Basic Principles in Implant Surgery, Medical History and Inform Consent

Basic Principles in Implant Surgery, Medical History and Inform Consent


Presented By: Dr. Emilio I. Arguello, Periodontist and Dr. Eduardo Marcushamer, Periodontist
Time: 2hr:40min
SKU: CLINIC_001 Category:

Mandatory Pre-Didactic Course Work for Hands-On “Live Patient Training Sessions” 

Program Description: The content on this video lecture reflects the necessary information that a clinician that performs implant surgery in any of its modalities should have as general knowledge. This lecture includes implant surgery principles, from anatomical considerations, site preparation, biologic behavior of implants, use of biologic materials in different scenarios as well as a comprehensive management of medically compromised patients, post-operative care and inform consent. While we offer “Live” Surgical in-patient training and this didactic work is a pre-requisite prior to such training; we believe that this information is crucial for any clinician that is about to or have been placing implants in their practices.
- Participants will be able to understand the necessary elements of implant site preparation, implant behavior and biologic principles, Implant placement protocols based on bone quality and with a prosthetic end in mind.
- Participants will understand the considerations for incision design and anatomical principles to be aware of during flap elevation.
- Participants will understand the use and application of biological materials in different case scenarios in implant therapy.
- Participants will acquire a comprehensive knowledge on the medical history considerations along with the medical management of patients in the pre, during and post-surgical phases.
- Participants will understand the important aspects of an inform consent.
Published Date: 2022/01/15
This course was reviewed on 2023/11/28 for accuracy and relevance of educational content.


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