Restorative Considerations in Clinical Implant Dentistry: emergence profile and impact on abutment/restorative design

Restorative Considerations in Clinical Implant Dentistry: emergence profile and impact on abutment/restorative design


Presented By: Dr. Aldo Leopardi, Prosthodontist
Time: 1hr:40min
CE Credit: 1.7
AGD CE Code: 690 – Implants



SKU: VTUT_04 Categories: ,

Program Description: Implant therapy involves a surgical and restorative component. This course focuses on emergence profile and impact on abutment/restorative design. Although it has been well recognized that it should be prosthetically driven, much of the discussion in continuing educational forums centers around the surgical portion of the treatment. As significant as this is, it is the implant restoration that patients are desiring, and which will dictate definitive treatment short and long-term outcomes. The purpose of this presentation is to discuss recent concepts in abutment/restorative design that facilitates long term aesthetic and functional outcomes, protecting and maintaining the bone-implant interface.

Course Objectives:
- Anterior zone treatment planning update.
- Abutment biologic width concepts: emergence profile factors.
- Clinical restorative considerations and techniques from the time of implant uncovery, provisionalization and definitive restoration.

This is a self-instruction course.

Published Date: 2022/02/17
This course was reviewed on 2023/11/28 for accuracy and relevance of educational content.
